The history of our company revolves around flexibility, strength and success.
The Open-Cast Mining Equipment Service Division is sold to E.u.G. Anlagentechnik & Service
The Peitz branch is spun off into an independent GmbH as part of the restructuring of Bilfinger SE and sold to Radial Capital Partners GmbH & Co.KG
The companies Babcock Borsig Steinmüller, Bilfinger Piping Technologies and the Environmental Technology Division of Würzburg-based Babcock Noell are merged to form the new company Bilfinger Engineering & Technologies GmbH (BET)
Bilfinger MCE Berlin GmbH merges with Babcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH
Steinmüller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH merges with its sister company Babcock Borsig Service GmbH, Oberhausen and changes its name to Babcock Borsig Steinmüller GmbH with headquarters in Oberhausen and branch office in Peitz
Bilfinger Berger AG acquires Babcock Borsig Service GmbH
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG takes over Babcock Borsig Service GmbH
Babcock AG buys L.&C. Steinmüller. SIK becomes a subsidiary of Babcock Borsig Power Service GmbH
Opening of the Opencast Mining Equipment Service Division
Foundation of Kraftwerks – und Industrieservice GmbH (KIS) based in Wolfen/Saxony-Anhalt together with Mitteldeutsche Energieversorgung Aktiengesellschaft (MEAG) Halle
Establishment of branches at Lippendorf, Jänschwalde including Boxberg
L & C Steinmüller acquires the ‘Maintenance Power Plants’ Division from VK AG (now Vattenfall Europe)
Foundation of VEB Instandsetzung Kraftwerke; headquarters in Cottbus